
Frustrated by the poor representation that physicians (particularly pediatricians) get, we decided to take matters into our own hands. This blog is about giving pediatricians a voice and a presence on the web. We wish to participate in the discussion, be included at the table, and share our ideas.

We feel that we can provide a unique perspective that often gets overlooked when healthcare issues are discussed; which is the perspective of front line pediatricians.

Between politicians, interest groups, lobbyist, pharma companies, insurance companies and many others, front line pediatricians are not being heard. After all, we are the ones that provide care for the children of America. Should we not be heard?

We think so.

3 thoughts on “About

  1. nice blog. great articles! I’m a final med student myself, keen on paediatrics as a career. keep the posts coming! enjoy them!

  2. Is this site still up and running? I am a young pediatrician and now own my practice. I am starting to realized how messed up our system is! I am looking for guidance in practice management as well as a way to speak up against the insurance company powers that be :)

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